Course – The Plan

The Infertility Courses a subsidiary of Madhudeep IVF Hospital is launching its Assisted reproductive technology training Course for Clinicians and Embryologists to Provide Qulaity Education at Lowest Cost to Every Candidate Accross the Globe.

  • Each course would have 8 to 10 days modules.

  • Each of 4 Courses modules would be Sent to you online for home-based Self-study Over one week.

  • For each module, there would be one online lecture of 1hr each by our esteemed faculty along With live or video demonstration.

  • After modules are completed with individual formative assessment, there would be an online summative discussion at the end.

  • Each course with all respective modules would be over in 8 to 10 days.

    The candidate would be awarded a course completion certificate at the end of the course.

Our Upcoming Course!!!

Hurry ...Limited Seats Available